Igniting Your Imagination
In early 2020, before a certain spiked-protein’s untimely rendezvous with humanity became headline news, I was introduced, by a dear friend…
The Paradox of Truth
From the smog and grime of Melbourne’s inner city streets to the subtle aroma of freshly harvested sacks of rice along the dusty sidewalks…
Finding Harmony in Solitude
It’s 4am and every living soul has slipped into a deep slumber and all there is to hear is the murmur of my breathing. The pillow doesn't…
Seeking Wisdom in an Age of News Chaos
It took decades for me to cut the cord but I’ve finally done it. I’ve started 2023 consciously avoiding ‘the news’ and the sensationalist…
Mastering the Art of -10x Engineering!
+10x engineers may be mythical, but -10x engineers exist. To become a -10x engineer, simply waste 400 engineering hours per week. Combine…
Code Review: A Necessary Evil for Developers?
Most of the projects I've been working on today have fairly strict code review policies. My work requires code review on most of our code…